National Sustainability Curriculum and Good Agricultural Practice Manual for both Robusta and Arabica (NSC-R and NSC-A) was launched in the year 2016 and 2017. NSC-R was launched on May 2nd, 2016 and NSC-A was launched a year after on August 24th, 2017. Following the launch, SCOPI in cooperation with District Estate Crops Office (Dinas Perkebunan) from several provinces in Indonesia provided training program based on the national curriculum which targeted 66.5000 Robusta coffee farmers and 18.000 Arabica coffee farmers by 2020.
NSC and GAP Manual was launched by the Head of Agency of Agricultural Counseling and Human Resource Development from the Ministry of Agriculture. The launching was also supported by Ministry of Food and Agriculture of the Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs and took place at Graha Sawala Room, AA. Maramis II Building, Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs, Jakarta.
The development of NSC and GAP manual was carried under direct support of the SCOPI and GCP (Global Coffee Platform) in cooperation with Agency of Agricultural Counseling and Human Resource Development from the Ministry of Agriculture. It is expected to empower coffee farmer to improve their productivity and quality of both Arabica and Robusta coffee sector in Indonesia. The implementation continues at district and provincial level through training programs based on NSC and GAP manual as the national standardized curriculum and training manuals. The strategy is to provide trainings for 123 Master Trainers (MT) for Robusta coffee originated from 11 provinces, and 60 MT for Arabica coffee from 15 provinces throughout the country.
Following the launching of NSC and GAP Manual for Arabica Coffee, Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) made with District and Provincial Estate Crops Offices in Indonesia were signed. The partnership among SCOPI and local public agencies will continue for implementation of the NSC and GAP Manual through the Training of Trainer (ToT) program for MT.
Peserta : 47
- NGO : 5
- Pemerintah : 25
- Universitas : 1
- Peneliti : 1
- Perusahaan : 15
Peserta : 14
- Widya Iswara : 6
- Pemerintah : 3
- Perusahaan : 4
- NGO : 1
Disetujui oleh Kepala Badan Pengembangan SDM, Kementerian Pertanian RI
Peserta : 71
- NGO : 11
- ORganisasi Petani : 12
- Pemerintah : 28
- Universitas : 4
- Asosiasi : 4
- Perusahaan : 14
Peserta : 63
- Jambi : 2
- Bengkulu : 2
- Sumatera Selatan : 35
- Lampung : 13
- Jawa Barat : 1
- Jawa Timur : 5
- Bali : 2
- NTT : 3
Laki-laki : 53
Perempuan : 10
Peserta : 59
- Jambi : 2
- Bengkulu : 1
- Sumatera Selatan : 13
- Lampung : 28
- Jawa Barat : 1
- Jawa Timur : 6
- Bali : 2
- NTT : 1
- NTB : 1
- Sulawesi Selatan : 3
- Papua : 1
Laki-laki : 45
Perempuan : 15
Peserta : 22
- Widya Iswara : 6
- Pemerintah : 2
- Perusahaan : 9
- NGO : 9
- Peneliti : 2
Disetujui oleh Kepala Badan Pengembangan SDM, Kementerian Pertanian RI
Peserta : 110
- NGO : 29
- Organisasi Petani : 17
- Perusahaan : 26
- Asosiasi : 6
- Universitas/Lembaga : 5
- Pemerintah: 27
Peserta : 61
- Aceh : 5
- Sumatera Utara : 6
- Sumatera Barat : 1
- Jambi : 3
- Bengkulu : 1
- Sumatera Selatan : 1
- Lampung : 3
- Jawa Barat : 8
- Jawa Tengah : 3
- Jawa Timur : 12
- Bali : 2
- NTT : 5
- NTB : 2
- Sulawesi Selatan : 6
- Papua : 3
Laki-laki : 49
Perempuan : 12