Tia Nurdianty Ameylia
Communication & Administration Officer
Tia Nurdianty Ameylia graduated with a bachelor's degree in Communication and Community Development from Bogor Agricultural University in 2022. During her college years, Tia was actively involved in the Student Press Institution, specifically as a reporter for the Koran Kampus IPB. Her experience as a reporter honed her skills and cultivated her passion for writing.
Before joining SCOPI, Tia worked in one of the directorates at IPB, namely the Directorate of Strategic Studies and Academic Reputation. As a staff member focusing on events and communication, Tia gained valuable experience in organizational communication and secretarial administrative tasks. One of her notable experiences was serving as the chief secretary for an internationally indexed Scopus conference titled "The Frontier in Sustainable Agromaritime and Environmental Development Conference (FiSAED)" in 2023.