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Food + Beverage Indonesia is Indonesia's ideal sourcing place for food-related businesses in the country with the opportunity to meet leading food processing technology suppliers, food ingredients and raw materials manufacturers, product distributors and service innovators. Food + Beverage Indonesia allows you to launch the latest products, machines, equipment and solutions needed to produce better quality food in Indonesia.
Food + Beverage puts a special spotlight on the coffee and tea industry in Indonesia through COFFEE & TEA EXPO, an event dedicated to highlighting Indonesia's expertise in brewing the best beverages worthy of world export. Designed to bring together buyers and sellers of trendy coffee and tea products, the Expo promotes local discoveries and international reinventions of Indonesian coffee and tea products. Exhibitor ProfileCOFFEE & TEA EXPO exhibition profile includes: Coffee and tea end products, Instant coffee, Tea Producers, Coffee Roasters, Coffee and tea plantation owners, Coffee and tea associations
At the festival which was held on 18-21 May 2022 at JIEXPO Kemayoran, SCOPI represented by Mr. Richard Atmadja as Chairman of the SCOPI Board of Directors was present to congratulate WAKENI and all parties involved for the implementation of the 2022 Food + Beverage Indonesia exhibition. We welcome and appreciate This activity is a form of support for the economic recovery program due to the impact of COVID-19 on the plantation sector, especially for coffee commodities and their derivative products.
As the 4th largest coffee producing country in the world, Brazil, Vietnam, and Colombia, sustainable production in the upstream and downstream sectors plays an important role in the sustainability of the coffee supply chain in Indonesia. SCOPI plays a role in maintaining the continuity of the supply chain through promoting sustainable cultivation practices (Good Agriculture Practices - GAP) to farmers and other activities including strengthening farmer organizations, market access, access to finance, geographical indications, to increasing Public Private Partnership (PPP).
SCOPI hopes that this exhibition can play an important role in introducing coffee products from business actors and farmer groups, as well as a place for business matching with the ultimate goal of achieving prosperity for all coffee industry players from upstream to downstream.