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Coffee is Indonesia's leading export commodity which is the fourth largest foreign exchange earner after palm oil, rubber and cocoa. Coffee is Indonesia's leading export commodity which is the fourth largest foreign exchange earner after palm oil, rubber and cocoa. Paying attention to the role of coffee commodities which is quite important and promising in the national economy. The Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs initiated exhibitions and economic forums to actually encourage performance in solid collaboration with national coffee industry stakeholders, with the title: Indonesia Premium Coffee Expo & Forum 2022.
Indonesia Premium Coffee Expo & Forum 2022, is a collaboration between the Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs with key national coffee development stakeholders, such as the Indonesian Coffee Council (DEKOPI), the Specialty Coffee Association of Indonesia (SCAI), and the Indonesian Coffee Exporters Association (GAEKI). This activity was held to coincide with National Coffee Day, March 11, 2022.
This event is a series of activities from the pre-launch and Press Conference which was attended by several relevant KLs such as the Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Trade, Ministry of Villages, Development of Disadvantaged Regions and Transmigration at the Indonesia Premium Coffee Expo & Forum 2022, on January 27, 2022.
Indonesia Premium Coffee Expo & Forum 2022 is a medium of information and communication between the Government, the business world and the community, through exhibition packaging and Coffee business forums, as a means of disseminating potential opportunities for mutually beneficial cooperation. repositioning the business to generate sales and key independent chain buyers, as well as promote and grow distribution networks and brand franchise opportunities for potential investors and diversify in today's market.
The main objective of this activity is to present coffee commodities in their contribution to the national economic recovery as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic. Built to expand information on coffee commodity maps with unique tropical varieties that other countries do not have, as a stimulator of economic growth in an effort to strengthen the community's economy. Mr. Eman Putera as Executive Director was present to represent SCOPI in this event to continue to contribute to the sustainable development of the coffee industry.